Well, everything is going well. Pro Points going fantastically but the scales are up and down, last week's big loss was great but this week it has been a struggle to get the scales at home to show a loss. The answer is put the scales away !. I know I have done all the right things so fingers crossed that I lose this week - that will be 4 losses in a row and my new Lorna Jane Gym Bag can be purchased.
The weekend was busy AGAIN, this time of year drives me insane - I have far too much to do and no time to do it. I am making a list tonight and must work through it. My saving grace is that there is nothing on TV for me to get distracted by.
Saturday busy running around and home Saturday night - BLISS. .
Sunday over to the Central Markets for a catch up with some WW girls (Dee, Sharon, Kazz, Jo and myself) - always good and lots of talking. They are a good bunch and always make me feel good. Then up to my brother's as it is my niece's 5th birthday - she is so mega cute.
Last night got stuck into the housework and made a quick ham and cheese quiche, although it needed to be cooked a little longer now back at work today - not that I feel like it.
This week has been going GREAT, I am so focused at present and realise that in order for me to constantly lose weight, I have to keep on doing what I am doing. It is going well and I am pleased, will feel more settled once I get on the scales tomorrow at WW. I know the body fluctuates, the heat in Adelaide hasn't helped so I am ensuring that I get plenty of water into the system today.
Focused on the next 2.2 kilograms.
Have a good day.
Sunday w
This is mainly a weight loss blog, it is also just about my life and the life of a single and fabulous girl
About Me

- Martine (email: mdally@internode.on.net)
- Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
- I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!
The wonderful people that follow and support me !
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Days 80 to 87 - I am a LEGEND

Well as the name of this post suggests, I am a legend. Everything is just going so well. Since my last post, a lot has happened. On Tuesday went to Weight Watchers, in fact I had been eager to get there all day. I am thoroughly enjoying the new Pro Points Plan and it agrees with my lifestyle, the first weigh in on pro points I had lost 700 grams and that was with the big drinking session at Gill's 50th and this week I lost a whopping 1.9 kilograms. I am double tracking, sick and sad I know but I love it. I track on e-tools and also brought a WW tracker as I want to see after 12 weeks on Pro Points how much I loose, I want to be able to go back where I have had big successes and repeat the menu. God help me when the iphone APP comes in, I may need therapy as I don't want to triple track. But on the positive side of things, what is good is that tracking, and I mean honest tracking helps with the weight losses, I have always been aware of this and in this area nothing has changed. I do weigh my food, I want to be able to get on those scales and say that I have been good or whatever and know whatever happens I can accurately say I know why I have gained or lost that week.
Last Friday was the best friends birthday. I had 3 courses and 1.5 glasses of wine and all perfectly tracked. I find that with the new points plan, going out is easier than ever. Sunday night saw Tina, Kazz and myself meet up with Gae from the WW Boards. Below is a photo of us, although my hair looks a bit puffy, that is because I was trying to tease the top of it. The four of us, chatted for ages about Pro Points, Gae who is a regular contributor to WW forums was like an old friend, someone that I felt I had known for ages. I just am thrilled I am communicating and meeting so great people online.
The motivation is around 1000% at present, Pro Points has been great, my weight losses with the old and new program has seen me with a weekly average of 700 grams from the beginning of WW at Mawson Lakes to present, so that is great.
Tonight I am having 2 glasses of wine with dinner, don't you love it - the fact my points are low, I thought for a treat, I would have some wine - how exciting.
This weekend is fairly quiet - thank god. Sunday meeting up with some of the WW girls and meeting at China Town for a quick bite to eat, I think I might have some rice paper rolls.
So overall, everything is good. The scales this morning, didn't state that I had a loss but know that I have done the right thing, plus our bodies do fluctuate. So roll on Tuesday, I am eager to see what I have lost.
It is nice to finish the year on a good note, this morning as I was walking to work, a guy just said to me hello, I felt good, had my lovely red lipstick on and thought - you know I do feel good. I have a bloody long way to go, but if the head is in the right spot, then everything else falls into place.
Tonight going to take measurements and will post tomorrow.
How are you going?
martine xx
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