About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I am on fire !

Well things seem to be going well with me in relation to all things weight loss.  Exercise has to happen, but at least I am eating right and tracking - that is something.  I do know what works for me, it is simply a matter of doing it.
This week was my first week back to work after annual leave, it was exceptionally busy -far too busy but saying that I do enjoy it, my boss does have a sense of humour.  He recently brought a bike, I told him no one was allowed to come into the office with lycra - you see in Adelaide we have the Santos Tour Down Under Bike race, it seems middle aged men like wearing Lycra, even if they look shocking.  At least my boss is tiny so not too bad.  So got some photos sent to my on my mobile, the cheeky bugger.
Mum and Dad are down, so it has been pretty quiet.   Got home lat night from work quite late, around 7 pm and I didnt feel like eating, Mum did and wanted to go to Fasta Pasta.  I made a choice of some minestrone soup and bread, it was amazing to think that it was too salty for me now.  I have been monitoring my sodium levels, it seems that certain foods are too salty for me.
Today's food has been spot on, I do have another 400 calories to eat, so will try and have something for supper.   It simply does my head in to think that eating too little is as bad as eating too much,but it is.
Had my nails done today, a nice shade of lavender.   I have a couple of favourite bags which have had to be repaired, so they went to my friendly Bag Repair Store - an absolutely roaring business.   I do have to wait a month, but saying that, it will be good as I love them and unable to use them.   Came home for breakfast instead of my normal eating out on Saturday morning and stayed home for lunch, so other than a quick trip to the supermarket to get some ingredients for dinner, didnt spend a cent.
Cooked my famous Tomato and Bacon Risotto.  The recipe has to be at least 15 years old and from an old WW recipe site, it is my Dad's favorite an always cook it for him when he is down.  As I use a tad too much bacon in it, I had a 1/2 serve - so was pretty chuffed with myself.  Having a glass of wine at present - so civilised.
Tomorrow I am heading over to West Lakes to meet Tina L and Sandy - my fellow weight loss buddies, so that will be nice and them home to do some housework and get ready for work on Monday.   At least I am making progress with the work, so hopefully by the end of Monday I am a bit more up to date.
I need to exercise, something that I struggle with as it is so boring.  I must and have to do it.
Overall, I am in a reasonably good spot -so pleased with that.  When my food intake is good, it seems my mental health is better - says it all really.
Anyway my darlings, hope you are in a good spot.  Vince the wonderdog is asleep, he is about to be woken up and given cuddles.   Love Martine xx

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back into it

Well it is 10am at night and Mum and Dad (who are down from Broken Hill) are asleep.  I have tracked my food for tomorrow, made my breakfast, lunch and Snacks plus checked over my tracker (via My Fitnes Pal) for the food I have eaten today.   So far so good.   Water needs just to be improved slightly and then the dreaded exercise.
Went on Tuesday night for a weigh in, as I do every Tuesday with my weight loss coach, and secured a 500 gram loss.  What had happened is that WLC (weight loss coach) checks my tracker remotely and as we suspect I have PCOS it is imperative that I cut back on the sugar, I had put in an entry of a skim capuccino, but must have entered a flavoured one as she made a comment about the level of sugar in it.   I was a bit miffed but saying that, what I learnt in 2012 was to address it.   Obviously the entry was in error, so I felt good and I thought she was saying to avoid lattes etc, that wasnt the case.   So this week I have found myself being back on track and feel much better for it.   For example, I had an apple today and so enjoyed it, I thought why cant I just feel like an apple rather than a vanilla slice - I suppose that is one of life's mysteries. My Tuesday night gang of girls support each other and email each other during the day, it is so lovely.  We are all determined to shed this weight once and for all.
Work is busy and everyone is really a bit stressed but I am making inroads with the work and hope in a few weeks that it wont be so hard to manage.
Not much else happening really,last night went up to my brother's place for dinner, we had pasta and just sat around the table and chatted -so lovely.  Luckily I had enough calories up my sleeve to eat the meal and not feel guilty.
Came home and got mum a glass of wine, I love a nice wine but saying that I can say no - I did that today as really want to be able to sit down tomorrow night and enjoy it. 
Dad wants me to make a Risotto tomorrow night - with salami !   So wont be having that, will make it for them or have a 1/3 of a serve - I wont to be able to prove to myself that I dont need a great big bloody bowl of rice.  
The success with weight loss is organisation, I really think if you plan your meals, make up your snacks etc and track it seems so much easier.
The weekend I am hoping for a quiet one, not sure when the folks are going back but plan to sort through some stuff and might head off to a movie.  
Anyway, better go to bed.   It is interesting, when my food intake is better - the sleeping which is always dismal is not so chronically dismal.   Hopefully tomorrow I can get a good run of work done, coffee with the lovely Lyn tomorrow (my weight loss buddy) and so that will be nice.
This morning was my Thursday morning coffee with Katie.  This is what life is about.
Be good and good night.   Martine xx

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to work tomorrow !

Well today is the last day of holidays, I go back to work tomorrow, so that is annoying.  I love my job but saying that I know there is a great deal of work.   The positives is that I get to go back into a routine again.
The weather in Adelaide has been horrendous, Mum had a fainting episode at Broken Hill where the temperature for the next week or so doesnt drop below 40.   It was 47 the other day.   It reminded me that I must keep my fluids up and drink water.
Feel a bit annoyed really,  no particular reason.   M is recovering from his illness, I think he now has cold feet about going away.   Seriously, the universe is telling me something. I am going to push him to go away as I want to experience it, I suspect I will tell him he can't have his cake and eat it as well. I simply do not understand men at all.
The food front has not been too bad, with this heat it is hard to eat really, tracking is dismal- so really need to get into that asap.  I think once I am back at work that it will be a lot easier to keep on top of things.  I really need to start exercising -it is so good for the mind,but I hate it with a passion.
Will try and find a balance with work, I could work an extra 2-3 hours a day and still be behind, I am willing to work a bit extra but then everything else suffers.  Ideally if I go into work earlier  it will be easier to leave on time. 
Not much to report really, I do believe a week of good eating will find my energy levels improve.
The washing machine has decided to have a hissy fit, it is not spinning.   Trying to get people to come and repair it around work hours is impossible, saying that my boss is good in this department.
Well tomorrow I am getting up to drop my brother to the Airport, his flight goes at 6.15am, so I anticipate starting work at that time - I can go in and get my accounting jobs done and do it whilst I am concentrating without those damn phones ringing.
Anyway, must get into the ironing - such an exciting life I lead.

Martine x

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Seriously, it is far too hot

Well in Adelaide it has been around 39 degrees, absolutely boiling.    Us
Voluptuous women  dont cope too well with the heat.  Went to my weight loss coach, disgusting - 3..5 kg gain - not good.  I told her that I felt sluggish all day, so we sat down, decided today was Week 1 and get back to basics.   The weight needs to come off - it just needs to happen and I need to focus on this like my life depends on it - which it kinda does.   I seriously feel like a whale.  So got up this morning and looked at my extensive notes I had written and got into it.   Although undiagnosed, I do believe because of various things that I may have PCOS, so we are going to tailor my eating around this (usually people with PCOS eat low GI foods mainly).  Anyway, I need to really focus on what I am doing.
I have been good today, my energy levels are shocking and saying that it is a direct result of the food that goes into my mouth.   She wants me to walk 2 times a week, use a fit ball (need to go to Kmart as they have a ball and dvd package) and then go back to my gym and do 2 minutes on the rower as a warm up (apparently people with PCOS have a lot of testosterone, so resistance work using body weight is ideal) then my bike, cross trainer and treadmill.   I wont like it, but once I get back into it, I should be right.   Work is going to be busy, so I have to either exercise in the morning so I can work back or exercise at night so I can go in early.  My boss is good, so plan to say to him - look I have a huge amount of work, I am happy to do extra but you need to know this for future etc.    It is a two way street.
Sorting out cupboards at present, hate it but once it is done, it does feel good.  
Last night at my weight loss coach (who happens to be a close friend and I usually stay for dinner often) we talked about 2012.   2012 saw me cope with my emotional eating, learnt more about nutrition and worked out what works for me with weight loss - my tracking via My Fitness Pal and looking at my nutritional levels of protein, carbs, sugar, sodium etc works.   I suppose if I want results, then I need to put the effort in.
Quite frankly, I am fed up - sick to death of running around after everyone, so Friday, Sat and Sunday plan to stay at home, relax and do some jobs in the vain hope that when I start work on Monday it isnt as bad as I think it might be.
The year is underway, I am hoping that the key word for me is consistency - consistency in my tracking, weight loss, consistency in the hours I work, consistency in how I am treated by others. 
Dinner is in the oven, although hot just doing roast vegies (baked) and chicken breast.  Brought a new dinner set, so will unpack that and eat from it.  
M is still ill, had the gall to ask me if I could get time off in a few weeks -NO I CANT. 
Well, must dash, Vince the wonderdog is barking -god knows what.  He doesnt bark often but he doesnt realise he is short with stubby legs, he thinks he is as big as a golden retriever.   Hope all is well with everyone in cyber world.