Well firstly here is a photo taken with my buddies - left to right, Gill, Joey, Vicki, Me and Jules. I am the biggest - get a load of the chin, arms and stomach but we catch up every Christmas so i am going to take another photo in December 2009 and hopefully there will be a big difference. Had my weigh in last night and only lost 200grams which isnt good. I have to say that I
was disappointed in the result but on reflection I actually do not think I ate enough food. With my foot being like it was there were a few meals I missed BUT I do have to remember it is the Christmas period and a loss is a loss.
We got our new program material, although I havent had time for a good review of it all I am impressed with the presentation of it. I thought about the week ahead and what meals I have out. So far four, a dinner at an Asian place on Friday, Sat night out with a friend, Sunday a breakfast and Tuesday my work show at a seafood place. Okay it is going to be a challenge, but I am declaring war on myself and my body.
I can do this. I also thought about Shazwomble's blog and she has lost 55 kgs and had done "coints" which is monitoring your core foods with points. I roughly worked out my food intake and
I was very low. So this week I am pointing the core foods and will sit down and calculate how many points I may need for my outings. I suppose every week is a learning curve.
On a very sad note, my delightful leader looks like she wont be coming back. All because she needs to take her Dad to QLD for the month of January. They told her she couldnt have leave and would have to resign. Her meetings are great, in fact I would say her quiet caring nature and what she says makes sense. She told me "Christmas is not an excuse to go off the rails". That is true, why do we say because it is Christmas that we are entitled to eat like a horse.
Our meeting to say the least are devastated. We will write to WW and we DONT want the leader from Marion to lead us. She is very very knowledgable and knows her stuff but just doesnt have the same caring nature and basically alot of us rejoiners are just terrified of her.
My friend Karen who goes to the meetings with me will scout around for a new meeting if things with Jean our leader go pear shaped.
Well enough for me for the moment. Looking in the mirror this morning I could tell that I had lost weight this week so I am just going to point my core foods, drink my water, track like the devil and visualise a weight loss of 0.5 or above next week.
I am happy to say that I think that I am in the "ZONE".
Well done on your weightloss so far. You sound really committed. Look forward to reading your future posts.
Nicky xx
By the way, you look great in your photos :)
Hi Martine, well done on your weight loss so far! I am another Adelaide girl who does points mainly but eats core basically core.
I am a big fan of shazzywomble too!
Hey Marine. I think you are being too hard on yourself. You look fantastic in your photos. Sure you have a tummy but it really doesn't come across that bad in your photos. You look great and have fabulous fashion sense.
All of us Adelaide ww bloggers should catch up one day. Actually I am sure I met you at Lachlan's
1st birthday party (Tania's son) or am I dreaming??
You are doing so well. I really hope your leader stays. I love my leader and would feel the same if she was to leave.
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