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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finally !!!!!

Well here I am, sitting at my computer with a smile on my face. Great news. Went for my weigh in and lost 1.3 kgs. I dont think I have done anything that different PLUS my period arrived this morning so I am thrilled with that. I got on the scales quite stressed - even my weigher commented. I made an excuse as to why I was stressed and kept saying over and over in my head "please please let me lose". I know I did everything right but the body is a weird thing, the week you think you may lose you gain - go figure. As I have said the week after my period is normally the week to watch so I am now going to be extra careful this week, luckily I dont have that much on socially. Sometimes we just dont understand our bodies. I was expecting a loss but not this so it has inspired me to keep doing what I am doing. I refuse to let the scales dictate to me what is an acceptable loss. At the moment I am truly content with any loss however small. The journey is along one and it is unrealistic to think you can lose 1kg every week. Others may disagree but I think I am honest with myself. Eventually the figures on my little blue WW book all add up. Unfortunately there is still no news on my leader. I personally dont think WW know what they are doing but saying that I really am hoping we get a good one. Ultimately the ball is in my court as far as WW goes. It is up to me to stick to the program but as many of you will agree a good leader is an invaluable tool and the support through the good times and bad times helps. Shazzywomble (aka Sharon from her blog) is doing her leader training on Friday - god I would love her class as she has lost a mammoth amount of weight. Our temp leader was good but had no control over the meeting, it annoyed me rather an inspired me. I am going to be patient and see what eventuates. Karen my WW buddy lost as well this week - she hasnt been for a while so she was thrilled with that. Going together does help and we are a support to each other and support each other each week. . If we manage to lose during a heat wave then I think we are both doing okay. We are both going for a walk on Sunday, it should be enjoyable as long as it isnt too hot and hopefully a weekend walk will be a regular thing if we can fit it in our schedule or some other times during the week. She has also suggested a 30 minute walk during the lunch hour and she can collect me and we can walk around the South Terrace walking tracks. At least we have a shower at work now so I can do that and still have time for a quick bit to eat and quick shower. With this week ahead I will keep following what I am doing. I am do CORE/Simply filling but for the next few weeks as I did this week I will point the Core foods to ensure my serving sizes are within my daily points total. I will attempt to get a few walks in with the worlds best dog. Anyway, must go as I think the worlds best dog needs a cuddle and to told how damn cute he is. Can you imagine what type of mother I would have been.
So plan is to track, ensure my food is good, do some exercise and think positive.


Tina said...

Woohoo Martine. What a fantastic loss. Well done.

Hey wouldn't it be funny if Shazzy was your new leader. My leader's hubby Don is doing leader training too so you might get him. He was a finalist in the slimmer of the year last year and has lost an amazing amount.

Keep up the great work Martine.

Martine (email: mdally@internode.on.net) said...

I just hope we get someone inspiring. I would love a male. Apparently WW want their leaders to do 2 classes a week so fingers crossed. Martine x

Tania said...

LOL ... I should have read Tina's comment first, your line "I would love a male" was the first thing that hit me when I opened the comments page!

Congrats on the loss mate, string a few of those together and watch that motivation soar!

Stop putting me to shame - Jessie and Tara are making me feel guilty by me reading blogs instead of giving them attention ... lol, I think they want Vince's life!