Yesterday I had a RDO off and it was delightful. Got the car serviced and was going to start the spring cleaning ! That didnt happen. Caught up with my WW mate Tania and we chatted over a coffee about all things WW and how you cant let the scales dictate your success.
Areas of improvement for me are exercising and water. I drink water but need to be a bit more consistent with it when I am at home.
Went to my meeting today. As I had a big weight loss last week I was concerned about gaining weight. Low and behold I lost 0.4 and was thrilled with that result. Today's subject was exercise so I put my hand up and advertised for a walking buddy to walk with me at 6am and FOUND ONE. Libby who is a bit of a talker, yes more than me is going to meet me at 6.15am in the morning for a 30 to 45 minute walk. I am thrilled as it is hard to get up to walk by yourself and am hoping that this will become a regular event. I am just so happy about this as I need to have a walking partner to get into a routine. I SMS'd my WW mates - Tania and Karen and it is great to have such support and vice versa.
Well, I am so inspired for another week. This week I will continue to track my food. I have three nights out eating. Tomorrow with Jo and Mike at a Thai place -so can track points for that and a few wines, Friday night at a 5 star restaurant but they have the menu on line so I just need to study that and my other Joanne's daughter is 21 and we are having a sunday lunch which may be a BBQ so I can handle that and will take some mineral water and hold off on the wine. I just need to calculate how much these meals out will be point wise and work around that.
I am proud of myself, alright I would like the loss to be more but I am honestly happy that I am in the groove and have the weight loss headset starting to happen. I now think of my Wednesday result first before I eat, most of the time if it is something naughty then I say no because I want to lose weight more. DID I SAY THAT.
This is a journey of self discovery for me. Oh, my friend Joanne (I have three) and I meet for coffee each Wednesday, although she is my best friend she isnt aware of my weight loss yet - I want to wait for a while yet but anyway she comment on my complexion. I normally have good skin at the best of times but it has improved and is so clear. There you go another benefit of healthy eating.
I have my clothes out for my 6am walk. Yay for me. 

Well done Martine on another great loss. You are doing so well. It's a good feeling hey??
And what a great idea to ask for a walking buddy at your meeting. I'm glad you've found someone so you can keep each other motivated.
I also wanted to thank you for the comments on my last post on my blog. You said that some times it's good to have a gain so you can go back over your plan again.
That's exactly what I did. And it seems to have worked this week. Time will tell tomorrow night.
LOL @ doing a cart wheel - now there's something to aim for! :-)
I remember only too well over the years how losses like these would get us down and lead the both of us to giving up AGAIN!
That's why I knew I needed to take the focus off the scales and it's working for me and it's obviously working for you too. We discussed a reward we were going to do together ages ago for when we get to goal - we probably need to put our thinking caps on again so we can work out how we're going to celebrate - this time is it for us both!
Enjoy your fabulous dinner tonight.
Congrats on your loss. Anytime the scale goes down, is a time to celebrate.
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