My boss took me to lunch today with a few other people. We went to the Star of Siam in Gouger St which is a fabulous Thai restaurant. I had a dish with Rice Noodles, vegies and beef - as I had not had a lot of red meat over the last few weeks in a light sauce and had a mineral water when others were having wine so I was pleased with choice and very core orientated. I am due to weigh in tomorrow but having dinner with my mate Tania and talking all about all things WW so I will weigh in either Thursday or Friday lunchtime in the city as they have changed around the meetings. Tania is one of my bloggers I read and a great friend. I did tell one of the people who organises the WW meetings around the place that it seemed silly to have so many 12pm lunch time meetings and not any 1 to 2pm meetings as people either have 12 to 1 lunch or 1 to 2 lunch. Anyway since it has been changed around I am going to sit in on the Friday meeting as well as my Wed meeting - it all helps and it would be good perhaps to meet some new WW people that I could perhaps meet at lunch times or convince them to go for a walk with me.
Karen and I are hopefully walking again Sun morning before I go out for a 55th birthday and I would like to do another long walk that evening so will see who I can round up. I find I walk further and enjoy it more when I walk with someone.
Not much else to report. I still am thinking alot about WW but I suppose that is part of the process and I am sure that as the weight comes off the thinking will subside. I suppose it isnt a race. I find on the exercise front there is some big competition as to who does the most exericse. I believe it is essential to do it but too much doesnt always reflect on the scales. Okay we shouldnt be scales orientated but if we are to get to WW goal then I am afraid the scales will have to say 71 kgs first.
I am enjoying the planning of my menus and am hoping that I can discover a few new recipes which can be frozen so that I dont have to cook each night.
I still do not have a proper leader. We had the lady from Glenelg who was nice but had no control over the meeting. I am hoping for Shazzywomble or a guy Tina knows who is undergoing training. A man might be good.

hi martine
yes i too stillthink alot about ww as you said hopefully the thinking side of things will subside when we have lsot weight and got the guist of things.
But hey I was just wondering how did you add your weight loss history column in your blog?
Yes I'm afraid the scales do dictate how we feel but when they are going down most weeks it is very inspiring.
Have a lovely lunch with Tania and ask her about the Adelaide ww 30+ group and our night out on March
7th. You are most welcome to join us.
Good luck with your weigh in.
Shetri, what you do is to go to your blog to layout. Then then add a gadget, it will come up with various options and then you go to the one that says list. Hope this makes sense. Martine
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