Well, I havent posted all week. Have been walking with Libby every morning, that is going well and I am pleased to have a walking partner. We walk Monday to Friday and Sunday I walk with my WW Buddy Karen. Saturday I have a day of rest but funnily I still may go for a walk. I am tired in the evenings and I suppose it will take me a while for my body to adjust to getting up earlier, and with the insomnia, I am struggling but when I walk I think of the calories burned and proud of myself and it does feel good to get up early as it is done for the day.
Went to WW on Wednesday and stayed the same, considering I had a big week as far as eating out goes I am pleased with that. Initially, I was a bit miffed but realised that at least I can eat out a few times a week and have that piece of cake and not put on. Our meeting was great and we just talked as a group as my leader didnt have her meeting information, one of the things raised was that it wasnt a race, just keep going and the importance of getting to goal and that your doctor can now certify your goal weight and Lifetime member ship is important. She also mentioned to be happy with any loss and don't let the scales dictate how you go.
I suppose I feel in a good space, I am happy with my progress and realistically realise this will take a while and as much as we all like to lose 1kg a week this is not realistic. So I just focus on each day with tracking, ensuring I drink my water, exercising and adding variety to my diet and I don't feel it is a struggle at all.
I think in order to achieve the goals you want, you have to embrace the WW journey. I at least now think about what I eat and even if I do eat that Mars Bar when I am stressed (like yesterday at work) I point it. I realise that when I get a bit emotional and am worried about work or my family I want to eat, I at least am aware of it and try to talk myself through it. Normally I would go and have a Wendy's 99.9% frozen yoghurt without topping and that satisfies me. With work yesterday, I adore my job, I just try to be perfect which of course is not possible. I made a few errors and the first thing i thought of was food - I was aware what I was doing and still had my salad and turkey sandwhich but did have a chocolate bar which was pointed. The difference is that I stopped at 1 chocolate bar and didnt on the way home stop via Coles and get a 2ltr tub of ice-cream. So that is progress for me.
I really want to just run my own race, this weekend I plan a relatively quiet weekend and hopefully a walk along the beach with the world's best dog. Must dash.
I am finding that I am enjoying my leader Doreen and as she does a meeting at Glenelg if I cant make Wednesday's meeting then I can go Tuesday. 

Wow I'm very impressed you are walking every morning. That's dedication.
Have a great long weekend.
It's a good feeling knowing you can have a few social things on and still not gain - well done!
And well done with the walking too - I was so annoyed I couldn't get out for my long walk on Wednesday as showers were predicted and I was taking the kids - it's amazing how much I missed it!
I am also coming to grips with the fact that it isnt a race. I think that if you can accept that then all losses truly are good losses and should be celebrated.
Good on you for going on all those walks, you are doing so well.
Nicky xx
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