I feel really happy today - it seems to me that the discipline of WW makes me feel in control of everything else.
Well everyone in blogger land. Day 3 without sugar in my coffee and I am doing reasonably well.
Went to my weigh in on Wednesday and gained 1.2 which I am surprised by the large amount but have missed meals and not planned and find that personally missing meals is just as bad as a binge. BUT I am glad I gained - well not really but as I always say a gain makes you consider your overall food, exercise and water intake - for me I just consider and evaluate that I need to be a bit more organised. Got on the scales last night and had dropped significantly so I do think maybe a bit of fluid retention is happening and that TOM is due but that is no excuse - I just havent been as good as I could. After all I am the one in control of the driver's seat.
I really am floored but how relatively easy it has been to go without sugar in my coffee after 45 years of it and I think overall this is a good thing - I do like a challenge. Tonight off for Thai at Glenelg with a friend so have planned for a couple of wines and my meal. Tomorrow Michael is over for dinner but am making my magnificent WW recipe of Bacon and Tomato Risotto so that will be easy to point and wont drink.
Easter is fast approaching- I am not using this as an excuse to eat. I am lucky that Hot Cross Bun's just dont rock my world (thank god) and no one will be giving me chocolate so hopefully my only challenge is that I may be out and about and the wine intake but I am going to carefully point my food, if I have enough points for a drink - great, if not, then I can stick of mineral water quite happily. I AM DETERMINED and am visualising my weight loss next week. I know I can do 1.5 easily if I stick to it. If I lose any weight at all I will celebrate but I can lose what I gained and a little more I will be happy.
The new WW site tracker is great and there are places for measurements. I am going to on the weekend take my measurements and check my progress.
Anyway my lovelies.............I am embracing WW and the challenges it holds. After all the weight gain was a gradual thing and I am sure my fat is quite attached to my body but as I have said before this is not a race, it is a life changing way of life and I am not only conquering my love of food but the mental challenge of getting my head into gear which I am fast realising is coming along quite well.
Anyway, please feel free to post a comment - it is nice to know that some people are interested in what I write .

Sorry to hear about the gain Martine. But like you said, it is a reality check to get you back on track.
Enjoy your thai meal. Where are you going at Glenelg? I love thai.
Onwards to a better weigh in next week.
Have a great weekend.
I'm always interested in what you write :-) Love your attitude mate - it all makes sense! Hope you've had a lovely weekend and look forward to catching up for that walk and coffee next Saturday!
Waiting ... waiting ... waiting ... i'm sure there must be an update coming soon :-)
Hey Martine
I thought you might be going through a bit of a rough patch and thats why you havent posted on your blog lately.
I know EXACTLY what you're going through but I am getting back on track now and I know you can as well. I think the biggest thing is never ever give up. Im sure there will be more rough patches but I am looking forward to dealing with them and learning from them.
I just think of rough patches as my chance to learn more about myself and why I fall off the wagon.
This journey is never going to be easy and as my favourite saying goes... losing weight is hard, being overweight is hard, choose your hard.
I can only imagine how incredibly proud of myself I will be when I am at a healthy weight. I am already pretty proud of myself for picking myself up and carrying on even though it is easier to give up and be this fat forever.
If you want to email me my addy is alnic_woolf@yahoo.co.nz
I would love to hear from you.
Nicky xxx
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