Well, where did the weekend go. Far too quickly for my liking. In South Australia we have had a lot of rain, so it was impossible to get the washing dry, my heater died - so I was cold so it was an excuse to snuggle in bed with the world's best dog and read. Now, a lot has happened so here it goes.
First Weigh In at WW at Myer
Friday arrived and I went to my first weigh in. I was nervous, it all got down to being weighed by Toni and letting not only myself down, by her as well. This is exactly why WW at Myer suits me. I was greeted by an old leader that I had a huge amount of success with and like her style, I did chringe a bit as it is the old thing, been there previously and failed and thought she would think "here we go again". Luckily, Di is fabulous and is doing a variety of meetings and in particular Brighton on Sat morning. Anyway, she agreed that she had seen my name on the list and had thought WW at Myer would be perfect for me, she is right. Toni greeted me and I got on the scales. My period was due - still hasn't arrived ! My rings were tight and I thought god I hope I don't gain. I lost 700 grams and really happy with that. Any loss is good for me. I brought the new cookbook which is really excellent and full of recipes from WW Leaders. We chatted about my week ahead and I had a Thai meal out and suggested some alternatives, although I thought stir fries were good, she reminded me that amount of oil they are cooked in. Luckily, I had downloaded the menu which was a help. Overall, it was good and I am anxious for my next weigh in. Although this week I need to concentrate on my water intake.
Men !
I could write a book on this subject. I do not understand them at all. 2 Weeks ago I meet John who I thought we got on fabulously, asked if he wanted to catch up which he happily and enthusiastically agreed to. Obviously, he has had a change of thought as there is no answer to my emails. So I just sent one off saying to the effect, you are not interested - that is fine.
Friday meet a really really nice guy called Neil, we got on really well and he was the first that I thought it would be nice to see him again and perhaps catch up over a meal. After our lunch on Friday, I asked if he was interested in catching up again, he also said yes and now has ignored my emails and even when we are online at the same time I get the silent treatment. I don't have any problems with them not being interested but have enough balls to say so. I hate liars.
I have 2 more in the wings to meet. Bill a teacher but not sure about him as he has 3 kids and Brenton who likes wine. I suppose it is going to be a long journey but really, should it be this hard. I always think they arent interested because I talk a lot and am voluptous (ie FAT). This I am sure is to overcompensate for my lack of esteem. Like when I meet the online girls recently, I was so nervous about meeting Sam, Jo and Kazz that I nearly passed out. So I talked a lot to cover the nerves. Anyway, when I do meet someone, the next lot of questions I ask myself is about body issues. I am confident that I am well groomed, but once I strip off - yikes...........But, with WW i am hoping to improve that part.
My food intake has been good, my midnight eating is a problem and working towards that. I am trying to cook a new meal each week and Toni suggests variety is so imporTant. On Saturday after getting my nails done, I headed down to Cibo's for a latte. Normally, Gill and I have half a foccaccia together which is still around 9-10 points. So wait for it. I ordered a skim latte and a bowl of fruit salad, can I say that again FRUIT SALAD. I don't particularly like Fruit but realised this was my only choice and enjoyed it. I was so proud of myself, it was a mega milestone for me. With the right headset you can do anything.
I have a lovely group of friends and I am the only one not in a relationship, so Saturday nights is a shocker for me, so I have decided that on this night I would have a couple of glasses of wine (pointed of course) and a nice meal and make the most of this. I am feeling a bit left out at present, so am glad that I have WW to focus on at present. Don't get me wrong, they are glorious people but after all - they do look after themselves first.
Anyway, I am focused on the week ahead and my next weight loss.

We are seperated at birth! LOL!
If ever you want to talk you can email me. I would love to discuss our men problem.
Way to go on the loss!!
Keep it up!
Well done on your loss this week Martine. I'm really glad you are enjoying your one on one meetings.
Men!!! What can I say. I can't believe they don't have to guts to tell you the truth.
Hopefully Mr Right is just around the corner.
Hey Martine - congrats on your loss and well done on choosing fruit salad!
As to the men thing - remember mate, it's their loss. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince charming :-)
Focus on yourself first and foremost - be happy and proud of the person you are and that will shine through when you meet the right guy.
Julie, that would be fabulous, I will make a note on your blog as well. My email address is mdally@internode.on.net. Martine x
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