Well I am so empowered at present, the scales are not necessarily reflecting my good work, or should I say brilliant work but my attitude is second to none. I am really proud of me. I have tracked and have been really good, I am so determined that those scales show a damn good loss, although I do feel it on my body that I have lost.
The weather in Adelaide is pure and simple driving me mental. I know we are in the middle of a drought but the rain is never ending at present, put on my sandshoes for a walk when I got home and it just poured down with rain. Oh well, the thought was there. I have Friday off work and am planning to wake up at about 7am and go for a 60 minute walk quite briskly to work off as much additional calories before weigh in with Don.
Although I am being a rebel and defying Don by weighing at home and only for this week, the scales at present have recorded at 1kg+ loss last night so fingers crossed all stays well until Friday.
It is funny how the mind thinks, normally if I had a bad result on the scales or a figure I thought was less than I deserved, like last Friday then I would go into a heap and feel sorry for myself. Now it has come out that underneath all this weight is a determined person, the fact that I am not letting the little blips upset me and after all the only thing I can complain about is that the losses are small but they are constant.
I am lucky to have the support of such a great bunch of friends and the online WW and blog community.
I like to set myself challenges, this week has been to concentrate on doing what I have been doing and drink my 2 litres of water.
My next week's challenge is going to be exercise, I have to plan what I am going to do so will blog that tomorrow when I have had some thought.
Summer is going to be such a relief to me, the wet and deary weather of Adelaide is not very helpful in my attempts to walk. Fingers crossed tonight I have an hour to walk without the rain. October is not far away and then the exercise and improving the levels and intensity will happen, my gym cannot open soon enough. Funny though, Don did tell me that I would get to a point where I want to exercise - I thought he was insane when he said it but I now agree, I think because the food and tracking is being handled so well that this is the next step.
Enough of me...............

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