Today is Tuesday and I feel so so.
Somehow trying to balance the gym, work, home and food today is a bit much but this mood is mainly though lack of sleep.
I am currently having a clean out of stuff (like old disks, computer parts) and old Tupperware, what I am finding is that I need to be organised to achieve my weight loss goals.
I think firstly doing up a menu planner for the week is one way, I have decided on the following for cleaning schedule for me to do after dinner and the gym to structure my time better :-
Monday: Loungeroom
Tuesday: Kitchen
Wednesday: Toilet, Laundry and Bathroom
Thursday: Main Bedroom
Friday: Study and spare bedroom
Weekend: Outside, cook meals for week, grocery shopping
This way if I allocate a room to a day and do a thorough clean I might find it a bit easier so that on the weekends I am not running around like a headless chook.
I adore the gym and the stress relief it brings me, the house has never been so disorganised and as the insomnia just worsens when this happens since the gym commenced although the gym is my absolute joy of my week (this is a minor miracle !!!) , I need to have a plan.
So the rubbish guys came today for the bins, the bin is full and threw out a lot of stuff, boxed stuff I don't use and labelled it ,and somehow feeling better.
Tonight I just have to do my room and the bathroom and 3 baskets of ironing (which I never have as I always iron every Sunday night) and then I should be back on top of things. The Virgo in me has high expectations of myself, sometimes I have to realise with 3 hours sleep I can't conquer the world !
My parents arrive on Thursday and so I will get my darling Dad will do some jobs at home which is a bonus. Ate a bag of lollies yesterday, so that put my evening meal out of wack, but saying that these things happen, I think it is unrealistic to think that I can be 100% good 100% of the time but things are going well with WW and I am pleased with my headset and the focus I need.
I suppose my little mood is more men related, it would be nice to have romance in one's life but saying that I have a good life, great job and wonderful and adored family and friends.
Tomorrow I am hoping to get back to my normal routine, that way I will feel a bit better and more in control. Next week I have a few nights out with the dinners so I am going to sit down and plan what I am eating and I am at least lucky that my friends are supportive and I can be honest with them.
I suppose the excellent thing about the lolly situation yesterday is that I got back on the horse, normally it would be an excuse to eat.
The online support I get is remarkable, I have a facebook group I am involved with and all doing WW, we are meeting up in Melbourne in May 2010 so I am seriously planning to attend. I find them inspirational women but what is remarkable is that we are all strangers but somehow friends.
So the cap it off, this week I am organising home a bit better (to allow me to sleep) so that I can relax when I go to bed after the gym etc, that way my brain is not in overdrive.
I hope everyone that is trying to get healthy, exercise more and lose weight are doing well, I know that with persistence and support there is nothing stopping me. I am pleased to say that I am fairly relaxed about this, I think sometimes we need to breathe and slow down a bit and enjoy the journey instead of trying to be wonder women !

Hey Martine,
I've been clearing out my room too. Amazing how much stuff we hold onto and it's not just kilos!
I love the online group too, some of those girls i have nothing in common with, besides our unhealthy connection with food, but i wouldn't trade them for all the world! They've been my rock of support in times of great crisis.
Fingers crossed i'll get to come to Melbourne in May, i'd love to meet you!
Sounds like you have alot going on, but it does feel good to declutter, I try and make time for it when I am feeling not so motivated because at the end I feel like I have achieved something!
Make sure your making time for you!
Hey there! Thanks for joining my blog! I love getting more followers, because I feel like people are actually reading it...yay! I know what you mean about finding balance between gym-time and keeping up the house. I've totally let the house go, but my husband has been a good sport. One thing we've talked about doing is cleaning the house from top to bottom, and then after that we'll each do a 20 minute power clean each day. I like the idea of allocating a room per day, as well. I've decided next week, I'll pack a gym bag and head to the gym straight from work...I'm SO bad about getting home and getting distracted once I do. Keep up the good work!
De-cluttering is good for the soul, take it from an expert at de-cluttering!
I have a squeaky clean soul...ha ha ha!
I couldn't agree more about the decluttering - if I didn't do it regularly and set myself organisation goals i'd never be able to cope with the hecticness of my life! Well done mate.
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