I could just scream or cry or both. Went to my weigh in at Weight Watchers and thought as I exercised more this week that I would secure a 1kg loss, bloody hell I gained 1 kg. Honest to god what does a girl need for consistency.
My leader Di Fitzell is away so I had another leader who had lost 58 kgs and she was great, understood I was frustrated and talked me through it. This is one of the serious advantages of going to Weight Watchers Lifestyle Centres, they addressed my issues and mine only. So we talked in general about it, the consensus was that I was not eating enough – same old story.
You know, it is hard to get your head around the fact that eating less is not necessary good, especially for someone like me that is exercising as well. She talked about tracking seriously this week and they will look at what I eat and what times and the leaders basically going through my eating planner.
Secondly, there is just too long a period between meals so I was not impressed so I have to eat more. Lachie the other leader came and chatted also, he having lost 35 kgs and goes to the gym regularly. He suggested (now I zoned out on the technical reasons) that I drink 1 cup of Tone Milk and 100 grams of low fat yoghurt around 4.30pm. So I will have to do that and ensure I eat all of my points. He also suggested I do my weights programme first and then my cardio, I had heard this before when I had a personal trainer about 6 years ago. Something about the body burning the glycogen (I think) during weights and then when you go on the cardio you go into fat burning. I will try this as I had heard this before and this is what Lachie does. Overall this is advantage of the one on one process, it was about me on Friday and what I needed to do.
Having a gain didn’t put me in a good frame of mind, Saturday I worked at the State Election and was a horrendously long day, left home at 6.15am and got in my front door at 10.45pm. Hardly ate other than a handful of scotch finger biscuits so when I went home drove through McDonalds for a Big Mac Meal and thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it wasn’t what I should have had. Emotionally I was upset so last night had a pizza.
Luckily, I have woke up this morning with the mentality that I need to work harder, eat more and snack. I am determined that I won’t buy my lorna jane bag until I have had 4 losses in a row, somehow I think this journey is going to be a long one.
I must not compare myself to other people, just because they have had consistently good losses it does not mean I do.
To add salt to the wound I also am starting menopause, the hot flushes have hit in a big way and so that also makes me upset as it reinforces that motherhood will not happen, although I know in my heart about this.
At the polling booth there was so many delicious men and yummy dads. Honestly, what is so hard about meeting someone. I am at the point in my life where I need someone, I just have to believe it will happen.
So anyone reading this, I want your views/ideas/experiences on the following:
· Hot flushes – what have you taken?
· Gym workouts – weight loss, eating and any useful information
· Do you eat snacks?
So I have to not let 1 unexpected gain get to me, I am going to try and do some additional exercise this week to try and get the extra food worked off. Okay so I need to keep the momentum going, believe in myself and just toughen up and work hard at getting this weight off.
I can either feel sorry for myself or just keep at it, luckily I have never contemplated leaving WW, I know I would gain unless I replace it with something and I know it works, I just have to keep my food/exercise/water intakes consistent.
Any comments are appreciated
Martine any exercise related questions you have you can always message my FB inbox! I have so many links with info its not funny :) But i agree...i watched a special a while ago where they were testing myths...and one was whether dairy makes a difference to weight loss...and it definitely did...plus dairy is protein which is good especially prior to weight workouts.
The doing cardio after weights i dunno if i believe that theory as i always do cardio before hand and that has never adversely affected me
kazz =]
Well I am impressed! I impressed that you had a gain, and the leader went through what caused it, and came up with possible solutions for you to go away with.
So many people have a gain, chuck the sh... and give up.
Or someone will tell them to just eat less. Or well work harder at it. What does that actually mean?
You have been given advice that is meaningful and doable.
That is great!
And more impressive, you are willing to give the advice a go!
As for views on the exercise and snacks...
1. Snacks: if I don't eat them, i am ravenous about 30mins before dinner and eat and eat...and then eat dinner, so obviously over eat. So I must eat a snack! A banana, an apple, some almonds or a WW bar of some sort is normally enough, even a light baby bell cheese will help. And plenty of water, especially if it is not the normal snack time.
2. Exercise. I don't go to the gym, so probably not a lot of advice there. I know i need to do more weight and resistance training. I even put it as a goal this week, have done a little but not a lot. For me, i just enjoy running. I used to hate it!
I have heard that about the weights first and the cardio after though. It is also more beneficial to do interval training with your cardio rather then a straight speed. I was doing interval training and at kickboxing i do interval training, but as i am training for a fun run, i am going for distance.
Good luck with it, and just remember, look at your weight loss over a month, not just week by week. It does all even out in the end. Possibly with the increase in exercise, you have been drinking A LOT more (which is important to do) and maybe a little water retention has occurred?
I have always been told... warm up, weights then cardio.
Hot flushes.. have not found anything that works for me long term. Which sucks.
It was great to catch up with you yesterday, I know that there are so many factors to what you're going through, particularly with your sleeping patterns as well.
But so much of it is about mindset, it's so hard not to let yourself be ruled by the scales but jump on them every Friday and whatever the result is ask yourself this - is there something you could have done better? If so, focus on it.
I know you have some tumultuous issues in your life - motherhood, that dreaded man, your mum etc and I do believe some of these need to be tackled head on, regardless of how hard that is.
You deserve the best mate and your turn will come. In the meantime focus on being a happier Martine. You know i'm always a phone call (or coffee) away if you need to chat.
Sorry to hear about your weigh in. If it's any consolation, I weighed myself daily for over a year and sometimes found my weight fluctuated more than a kg from day to day, for now apparent reason. If you weighed again tommorrow you may find that kg disappears. Not that I advocate daily weighing, as it is not for everyone.
Eating regularly was one of the biggest changes I made to lose 33 kg so far. I NEVER ate breakfast or morning tea and often missed lunch. I never felt hungry. I know that the reason that I got to be 112.5 kg was certainly connected with eating too much of the wrong foods and drinking too much alcohol, but it also had a lot to do with me totally stuffing up my metabolism. You need to put energy into your body in order for it to burn energy . . . if you go too long without food, your body thinks it's in famine (ha ha! at 112.5 kg--hardly famine, eh?) and conserves energy. So yes, I think that having regular snacks is really important. Now I have breakfast, often only a banana and a muesli bar in the car, with a bottle of water, I admit, but still breakfast and by morning tea time, I'm ravenous!! Which in away is annoying, because I never felt hungry before, but at least I know I'm burning energy. I have my fruit and yogurt and that keeps me going til lunch. After school I try and have some more fruit and often get a skinny latte for the drive home. I have to be really careful when preparing dinner as if I haven't had a healthy snack, I nibble, nibble, nibble. So yes I think you should try eating more regularly and be prepared that you may actually feel hungrier if you do.
As for the milk thing, I don't know but there is a big sign up in the gym about how calcium helps you lose weight--certainly protein helps this process--so yep I'd give it a try, too, can't hurt, right?
As for the cardio thing . . . no opinion on that one, sorry.
I really like your hair in the first picture, BTW.
Hang in there, Martine. As Clairewill used to say on the ww boards: Losing weight is hard, being overweight is hard. Choose your hard!
This is fascinating and very helpful. I have been earning 40-50 exercise points a day and have lost weight, but not huge numbers. Gaining would make me so upset - I fully understand you. But losing 100-300g when working SO BLOODY HARD in the gym is frustrating. I'm going to take what you have written adn think about how I can work that into my day. Have to admit, I often leave out the dairy products. Now I'll make a habit of having them before the gym, rather than an option at the end of the day.
Sorry you didn't get the loss you deserved, but thanks for sharing your new knowledge with me. I can't attend meetings so I can't learn this from leaders like you can.
Oh and one more thing: even though I've had a week where I had only a 100g loss, I did lose inches that week. My body has changed rapidly. So go and try on a pair of pants that were a bit too tight - they might just fit you this week!
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