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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 23 and I am tired

Well today is day 23, I am sipping on my latte WITHOUT sugar and it is getting easier and easier with each day. I do think I might try and eat 1 piece of fruit a day for the next month. I am not a fruit eater, have never been. My basic fruit list is pineapple or berries. So might make that the next challenge. I am tired today but counting the hours down till my boss is back from her holiday, poor love she has had a great holiday in Paris but all good things come to an end. I have visitors arriving today for a few days, I do think that it is nothing I can't manage, foodwise that is and plan to keep doing what I am doing. I must admit once your mindset is in place, things are easier and at the moment I am highly stressed. I have gone off the anti-depressants but really t hink that I need to be one them. My problem is I think I am doing okay and go off them and then after about 3 months, fall back into old habits. Next week, exercise is on my agenda. Definitely going to face my fear and do that bloody Zumba class, I am the only person in the known world or Weight Watchers world that hasn't tried it. So will do that to break the routine. So I think my next two challenges might be exercise related and fruit related. Just have to decide on a reward for achiving the challenge. Not much else happening really. Woke up this morning to Vince the wonderdog staring at me like I am some type of god, so we have ten minutes of cuddles. Being single is hard, it isn't easy but I come home to this little guy who is so excited to see me and makes me feel a millon dollars. Anyway, nothing mindblowing happening.


Chris H said...

Fruit... yeah I'm not that into it either... though I do love summer watermelon and grapes! Drool.
Sorry I can't really relate to being single, I was only on my own for 7 months before I met Stew after leaving my first husband. Have you tried the dating sites? Clubs?

Diz said...

Honey I just wrote a post a few days back about being single- it's not the end of the world although sometimes it feels like it. You'll get through it!

I wish I wasn't into fruit and sugar...that's pretty much all I eat anymore. :( I need to get a grip!



Natalie said...

I haven't tried Zumba and am not going to. I heard an Osteopath talking about the huge increase he's seeing in middle-aged women with hip problems. He's calling it Zumbitis!!

Tania said...

You're doing well given the stress you're under at the moment mate, your mindset is in a great place!

Thankfully I love my fruit and don't struggle with it at all, but do find it easier in summer with the extra choices available.

As to Zumba - you're not alone, I haven't tried it and don't intend to. I'm not one for classes in general, I would much rather walk into the gym and do my own thing in my own time and walk out again. I think the only class that has ever really interested me is bodypump and it's one of the things I plan to do during my 12 week exercise challenge.

Hope the rest of the week gets a bit easier and less stressful for you.