About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Days 65 and 65 and a 1.3 kg loss

Well so much to say. The weather in Adelaide is glorious at present, it makes me realise that summer is around the corner - god forbid, no doubt it will be a hot one as this winter was exceptionally cold. Tuesday night saw me go to WW. Pleased to report a 1.3 kg loss and the fact that I was 150% accurate with my tracking and I was confident with what I had ate that week. So a good loss like that always inspires me. The WW weekly weight tracker page says I am averaging 500 grams per week at present, I am happy with that. A good loss always ensures that the following week is good. My period is due in 8 days so I must ensure that this week is exceptionally good. I actually had a period tracker on my iphone, this app is a god send as I always forget when I am due. It is good that my period is due soon as it will ensure this week is really good. Food wise this week, I have been good. The weekend is a bit more difficult with a dinner on Friday night at Taj Tandoor in Rundle Street, Adelaide and it is my favorite place to eat in Adelaide but unfortunately Indian is not low in points. Normally I am quite good in picking the right healthy choice, but with this particular restaurant it is difficult for me. I have tracked what I am eating for my evening meal and will fill in the breakfast and lunch with the remaining points. Saturday night is a breeze, it is a quick dinner with some WW girls - a sure way to be good but we are going to Ned Kelly's and they have a great prawn salad, so will have that. I have just started ordering things on the internet, the other day I ordered this magificient red cross over dress from Ezi Buy, it came yesterday and I could have done with a size bigger (it really is a small size 20) but as it was an absolute bargain, I have done what I normally wouldn't have done and that is to keep it. I am taking it to WW on Tuesday to show the girls and to be able to wear it to a meeting at some point. So will keep trying it on until I fit into it. I know I go on about it, but I am still amazed at the strength of the mind. The fact that I feel so in control at present is due to the mind set I have. I suppose it is a bit like the no sugar in the coffee which is by the way now day 65 (except the first one in the morning) as times goes by the stronger the mindset is. I do a bit of visualisation and each day remind myself of what I have done that day which is good as far as losing this weight. My meeting has actually helped, in that the girls and boys (particularly the boys) are going great guns with the weight loss. I am very careful to run my own race and not compare what I am doing with everyone else, but the thing is that they inspire me to do well and I want to put up my hand and say - YES I HAVE LOST 20 KILOGRAMS. Anyway, I am so ready to embrace the new pro points and am pleased that my attitude is one that I believe it all makes sense and I am quite eager to see how I go on it. I know that the success rate overseas has been significant. Anyway, enough of my carry on - hope all is well with you. Martine xxx


Natalie said...

Good for you Martine, and congratulations on such a great loss. Your positive mindset is really coming through in your blog posts. Its a nice place to be isn't it?!!

kazz said...

I think you should upload a pic of the dress! I love ezibuy i have a good jacket i got from them...such good quality!!

Penny, NZ said...

Hi Martine,

Well done! I am so proud of you and I love your rationale that upcoming pre-period week is always a good one - that is organised for you! I am going to be in Adelaide in December to visit my partner's family (just before Christmas I think) and I'd love to come and meet you in person if you are up for it. You are doing so well - it will help with my much-needed inspiration! but that's not the only reason, I would love to meet you for you! Will be in touch soon.

Love Penny xo

Martine (email: mdally@internode.on.net) said...


I hope you read this as I can't contact you. My email is on my blog, email me. WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU. Martine

Jane said...

Great loss Martine, well done. You are working so hard and deserve it. I love Ezi buy. I have a few things from there and the quality is really good. Can't wait to see a photo of you in the dress.

I just want to add a great big thank you - with your no sugar challenge that inspired me to give up soft drink. I no longer give the stuff a second look and I feel so much better for it, so again, thank you soooo much for that. I know you didn't mean to, but you inspired me so much with your little challenge xx