About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Days 91 to 124 Oh Dear has it been that long !

Hi everyone, golly gee I didnt realise it had been a month since I last posted on my blog, that is far too long and promise to update daily from now on. Now where to start, there is so much.
Christmas was a busy period for me, work is always busy as we close over the Christmas period and the present buying for the family as well as Christmas presents for my brother in Broken Hill to give to my other brother's children. Our Christmas work show was great, fanastic french influenced food and my lovely boss brought her and I a $240.00 bottle of french red wine to drink - will post the name later on when I find it - it was like drinking silk, it was that smooth. Got thorough spoiled.
Drove to Broken Hill (6.5 hrs) on Christmas Eve and got there about 7.45pm, a long drive when you are tired and the wonder dog doesn't like the car. I had time to think driving up, I had decided to limit the wine and drink mineral water on Christmas day, as quite frankly I preferred to have a piece of dessert and felt I couldn't do both. I had tracked my food Christmas Day and although I didnt track the other days after that, I mentally added it up in my head. Christmas Day was a Saturday and I drove home on the Wednesday to Adelaide and got home and had a shower and drove to my lovely friend Tania's house and we both went to another meeting our Leader was a doing as our Tuesday meeting was closed. I had really thought about what I was eating over the Christmas period, together with the trip to and from Broken Hill which is notoriously a eating binge in years gone past, so I brought some yoghurt and a sandwich and thermos for my peppermint tea. I did stop for an icecream though.
Tania and I went to Wynn Vale Meeting and lo and behold I lost 300 grams, with Tania losing 200 grams, it may as well have been 100 kilograms as we both were so excited as this is the first year in the history of me being on this planet that I haven't gained 2-3 kilograms. It was for me an inspired moment, I have no hesitation at my meetings of showing my excitement with losses. The following week's weigh in was after New Years Eve, I had tracked for the whole week, cut back on the alcohol as I was going out a lot for meals, had pizza new years eve which was bliss and got on the scales on the Tuesday to see a 200 gram loss. So quite frankly I am bloody proud of myself to have lost over a notoriously difficult period.
Quite frankly I am simply focused and so proud.
I have been off work since 23/12/10 and go back to work tomorrow, I have rested and just recharged the batteries so I feel like I have had a break, although I have spent far too much money at the sales.
Before Christmas I meet the lovely Penny from New Zealand who is a reader of this blog, to be honest it was just a pure delight. The online community are such a support, we chatted for such a long period of time and when I drove her and her partner back to where they were staying a friend was formed. So last year was great I had meet 2 on line friends.
It is nice to be able to communicate with people on line. If you are reading this Effie I have sent you an email !
So everything is going well, I like the Pro Points programme, it simply fits in with my life and now that the program and the food values are some what easier it is time to ensure that the gym is commenced again. That is tomorrow. At the meeting I brought a pedometer after being inspired by Tania, I just can't believe how it encourages you to move.
I have made tomorrow night's dinner so that when I get home from the gym I only have to reheat the meal. Mornings are hard for me as I don't sleep but I want to try this week to go to the gym at 6am if possible - we will see.
How are you going? Off for a walk with some Tina and Sandy tonight, so that will be good.


Tania said...

Well done mate, you have every reason to be very proud of what you're achieving! You are in the greatest of head spaces and that's what really matters. Hope you enjoy getting back into your gym routine, see you on Tuesday night.

Chris H said...

Awesome going girl.
I am re-joining WW this week... I hope I like the pro-points system.