Well weighed in last night and lost another 600 grams, so am very pleased with that. I havent exercised at all and now that I am in a routine with the food I am now ready to tackle the exercise. I am sure that again if I start off slowly then I can do it. At the moment I am only interested in walking - as it is free. My ideas are:
- Walk in the morning before work; or
- Get off the tram at an earlier stop and walk into work; or
- Walk at lunchtime; or
- Work after work.
I suppose mornings are my preferred option and really am going to try and do this, it would make my day easier and if I am free I can do a quick walk at lunchtime. Exercise will speed up the weight loss, which has been slow but then all those 0.3's etc do add up. I refuse to put pressure on myself to lose huge amounts each week. Somehow we have in our heads to lose 1kg each week - this is unrealistic and I am happy to have more constant losses which at the present are relatively easy.
On the good news front I have found out that my leader Jean is coming back - I am thrilled as I do like her meetings and she is supportive and compassionate. I had a good talk to a lady called Kim who organises all the meetings and in particular the city meetings and she asked my opinion which was nice. I thought she needed to accommodate the 1 oclock lunch hours a bit more and it was nice that she valued my opinion. I did congratulate her on the room at the city meetings, it is fabulous with a bright blue wall with WW on it and set out fabulously with all the products. I am going to try and fit in another meeting other than my Wednesday meeting because I do enjoy them and find them inspirational.
Well, the road is a long one and I think I have the patience to follow this through as when you have 50 kilos to lose it is not going to happen in 12 months with a loss of 1kg each week - that is unrealistic.
One of the solicitors in our chambers sent me this photo with his darling son who just liked to cuddle me - I think that I am soft and cuddly. I nearly died when I saw the photo - the arms and back fat. Golly Gee but things will change and slowly and steady the weight will come off (hopefully those arms). Anyway, this week I want to try a new recipe that I can freeze as there are some days when you just can be bothered cooking.
I actually look forward to the weeks ahead and love the new week, the anticipation of what I am going to lose this week. 

1 kg a week is definitely unrealistic.
The scales are going down consistently so you are winning the battle.
Well done Martine.
As for the exercise, I'm only walking too. It's meetings or gym for me and I'd rather go to meetings.
Have a great weekend Martine.
Hi Tina, I agree some people are at the gym every day and I think walking is best, plus it is damn expensive to just eat at present and I could do gym and WW. MARTINE
Wooohooo Go Martine!!! Slow and steady does indeed win the race.
I think you look great in the picture :)
Congrats on your loss again mate, you're doing really well and glad that your leader is staying, I know from experience how much difference a good leader can make!
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