Well what can I say. The weekend went too fast. I have my mother and father down at present. My mother has been to a cardiologist who has advised that she needs to lose weight. Of course I am supportive, but not surprised, and certainly didnt give her a hard time like she has given me. Although the weight she needs to lose is debatable. She says around 8 kilos and I think more like 13 kilos. Anyway, I havent mentioned WW to her - she would just give me a hard time and say "what again" but at least the weekend was easy to manage but the water intake wasnt up to scratch. I have decided to buy 2 water purifiyer jugs for home and work as it certainly does taste nicer. We had some lovely Ling fish on the weekend just grilled with cracked black pepper and lemon juice - absolutely delicious but unfortunately mother is now obssessed more than normal about losing weight, but I hope she does it and realises it isnt an easy process. I havent weighed myself at home, so have no idea how I am going. I must say my exercise routine is terrible but I must say that it is as hot as hell today in Adelaide - but that isnt an excuse.
I am DETERMINED to get this exercise routine organised. My parents go home tomorrow if all is okay with mum's doctor and then on Wednesday I am going to be up with Vince the wonderdog and out that door walking at 6am then it is done for the day. Walking I know is good for the mind plus the physical aspect and helps aid weight loss and I really want it to be as routine as cleaning your teeth.
My rings on my finger are as tight as hell today - it is just boiling hot so even more important to keep the water intake up. I am so pleased my lovely leader is staying, I think it is important to have a leader you have faith in. Anyway, must go.

1 comment:
Forget Vince - you need to take Jessie for a walk, she'll give you a real workout the way she runs full pelt ... lol
Use your mums weight loss as an incentive mate! I know the battle you've faced with her over the years regarding your weight loss but turn a negative into a positive and make it work in your favour.
I'm with you on the exercise, mine hasn't really started but i'm focussing on 1st February when I am going to start exercising daily while watching The Biggest Loser.
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