Well, what can I say. My last weigh in I gained 300 grams and was pure and simply devastated. Thinking that I would have lost at least a kilo. I suppose, being a Virgo one of my faults is that I simply put too much expectation on myself.
I went into a downhill spiral from Wednesday to Monday and spent the long weekend in bed. I must admit to feeling unwell, extremely tired and teary. I do suffer slight depression and have been on anti depressants for some 10 months, they certainly help but saying that i think the weight is somehow connected to the depression. My hope is that once the weight comes off, my mental state will be good and the insomnia may ease a bit. On the outside, no one would know that I suffer from this, only a few close friends and my mother who is wonderfully supportive in this, because she does understand.
Anyway, I ate all last week which of course made me more depressed. On Monday I didn't get out of bed. I suppose that is easy when you live by yourself, so Vince the wonderdog and I cuddled for most of the day. He is the love of my life. Tuesday morning I got up and got back into it and had a stern talking to myself in the shower which is the place I do all my thinking. Had a fabulous eating day, probably a little light on the points but overall great. Have really got into fish and had a huge green salad and fish with Moroccan Seasoning on it and really enjoyed it.
A while ago, when seeing a dieticIan the main bit of advice she gave me was about protein. That if I have been eating badly to increase my protein as this will stablise the sugars. I didn't really eat sugary foods but more savory. When I eat badly I suffer from terrible itching, this is a side effect of hypoinsulemia and headaches and mood swings. There is a lesson in this. At 3.30am this morning I am in the bathroom rubbing tea tree oil on my skin as I was itching uncontrollably. A side effect of bad eating.
The lessons I get from WW are:
- Weight loss
- Learning value lessons from my WW meetings to allow me to maintain my weight
- Improving your mental state
- Making exercise a valuable part of your day
- The benefits of tracking, not just whilst losing weight
- Support and friendship from online members, bloggers, meetings

I second your sentiment Martine! It IS time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, dust ourselves off and get onto the task ahead!!! I am right there too... now, where to begin...
...at the beginning I guess.
See you Saturday!!! hugs, Tabby.
Sending you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of positive vibes... can you feel them :)
Dont worry too much about your little gain, you are doing fabulously well. There will always be ups and downs and you will learn ways to cope.
Take care
My friend and I were recently talking about the prevalence of technology in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://kwstar88.insanejournal.com/397.html]R4 SDHC[/url]NDSBro)
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