Hi everyone in bloggerland.
Well it has been an interesting 24 hours. Last night I got to my car in the car park at work and found out that someone had hit it, luckily for me that someone (Rocky - gee I wonder if he is single !!) was honest enough to leave his details and an apologetic note. I normally take the tram to work but needed to visit the library and get my glasses repaired so it was easier to drive. Luckily for me the guy was very nice when I rang him but it just annoyed me and I am not so angry at him but just the situation. At least he was full of praise of me in that I didnt rant and go on. I always believe it is better to be nice and polite than rude. Anyway the car is being repaired.
I couldnt sleep last night - WHAT IS NEW !!! So at 1-3am I am awake and planning my food for today's meal at Danny's Thai Bistro at the Parade and fluffed around all night. The alarm went off this morning and I can remember thinking about what exercise stuff I would wear - ie winter or summer and next thing you know it is 7am and I am an hour late. or more to the point slept through my walk. So I didnt walk this morning which really really annoyed me, as I all I can think of is that 3.5 points I could have earned. What did I say..........can I believe that in my head I have finally worked out exercise = points. So I am saying this now that I am going to make up for that walk by walking tomorrow sometime. My Sunday walking buddy cannot walk but I am still going to walk. Well must dash but will report in later. 

1 comment:
Activity points are such a great motivator!
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