Here are a few pictures of my beloved niece Jess Scarlett and Oliver. Being an Aunty is just fabulous and the next best thing to being a mother. I have been very slack indeed with the blogging. Went to WW on Wednesday and stayed the same which was a relief. I had a bit of a bad week with something that was worrying me, which is now okay but the emotional eating happened. I havent been great the last few days either so I have had a stern talking to myself and fully intend to get myself into gear this week. I am still walking with Libby (even if I am tired) and am pleased to say that this is now a routine. I can start to feel my clothes getting a lot looser and fully intend to see this journey out for the duration.
My leader confirmed she is now our permanent leader and as she works full time she may need to go away every now and again for business and will try and get our old leader back to fill in. She gave us her email address which I think is pretty good and amazing as I have never heard that before.
It was interesting at our meeting in that she said that alot of people stop in Winter and the ones that keep going are in it for the long haul and usually get to goal. I left a little earlier as I walked 80 minutes with Gill to clear out the cobwebs.
Have been reading a few blogs and everyone seems a little out of sorts - this journey is so full of highs and lows it is unbelievable but you just have to stay with it and ride out the storm.
I am trying to keep up my water intake which has been shocking of late. I am so tired at present so this weekend is about me, my diet and just re-grouping.

Your niece and nephew are so cute. I bet they keep you on your toes.
I totally agree about this journey being full of ups and downs. I didn't have such a good week but it could have been far worse if I didn't get back on track straight away.
Well done on making that exercise a routine. I was talking about that at our meeting last night. Because I have 2 set walking days with friends, I find I won't make excuses not to do the exercise.
Have a great weekend Martine.
Gorgeous pictures mate! Still can't quite believe Jess is only a couple of months older than Lachie, she looks so grown up.
Been meaning to email you about your SMS the other night, I understand the comfort eating, i've been through what you've gone through this week, not once but twice so can relate - will email you tomorrow to discuss further.
Well done on creating the habit with the walking, everything else will follow. I think we need to learn to accept there will always be challenges and hiccups along the way, it's what we do about them that counts.
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