About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am so tired !!!

Well I am starting this blog off with a whinge. My feet are so sore. I inherited bad feet from my mother's side of the family. Lucky for her it skipped her and has come to me. I had a shoe party last night at the office and was on my feet for about 5 hours and as a consequence could barely walk to the car last night. I am hoping once I get to goal weight that the pain I suffer in my feet will be relieved somewhat. Although I was tired and exhausted I got up and walked with Libby today. Having an exercise buddy is really fabulous. You have to walk as you are meeting someone. So I am pleased with how that is going and considering my feet were burning this morning I still did it. Tonight is weigh in at Weight Watchers and I am not sure how I am going to go. I know I could be better and really as Libby and I discussed this morning it comes down to being organised. I know I need to have a few meals in the freezer that I need to just reheat. So that is my plan this weekend. Tonight I am going to the Madness Concert with my good mate Kath. I will be going back to the 70's and 80's when I was a groover and dancing in my seat. Hopefully between now and then I get some energy back. Sugar ...........my next best friend. I went to the dentist yesterday and have had major problems with my teeth of late. I had stopped a while ago having artificial sweeteners in my coffee as I believe that the equal tablets I was having somehow correlate with my insomnia. I was having probably 3 coffees a day with 2 tsp sugar and we found that as I sip my coffee during the day instead of having it fairly quickly then the problem was the sipping the coffee with sugar. My dentist says having sugar in coffee is fine as long as you dont drink it slowly over a longer period of time. Anyway, it was just what I needed to hear as I have gone cold turkey with the sugar/sweetener in my coffee and pleased to say it isnt too bad. I am now somehow this morning refocused on my task ahead. My birthday (29/8/09) is probably something that I can use as a long term goal and want to try and lose another 6 kgs (easily done I think) by that time. I refuse to set too unrealistic goals. Anyway my lovelies........have a good day. Wish me luck for my weigh in.


Tania said...

Hey Martine - hope weigh in went well tonight! I know what you're saying about exercising with a friend, can't tell you how many times i've settled in and felt relaxed on a Monday or Thursday night and would have easily cancelled my aqua class if it wasn't for the fact I was going with Tracy!

You're right about the organisation thing - I mentioned that in an email I sent you earlier tonight.

Let me know when's a good time to catch up - will be great to see you again.

Lucylosingit said...

Hi...Just to let you know I have always had problems with my feet as well. That then caused me to have aching legs at night etc. When I sat for a bit of time I could hardly walk either. I am 42. Anyhow, I have only just gone to a podiatrist and I have now orthodics in my shoes. They did a mould of my foot and made them to match my exact foot. I now where them and the relief is fantastic. If you have extras in a health fund you can claim some back. Just thought it worth mentioning to you as it has really, really helped.