About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The latest !

Well everyone, I went to Myer in Rundle Mall and enquired about their WW Life Centre's. Must admit to being pretty impressed and the one on one for me is ideal. I find that i am too busy at WW meetings comparing myself to everyone else and the meetings often get off track. Shazzywomble is only casual, so I have booked in at 5.20pm next Friday to see a lady called Toni. Toni remarkably has lost 70 kilos on WW. God, can you believe that. Apparently according to the lady I spoke to Toni is very good at food etc. I think she will be beneficial to me as I can grab all her knowledge. Anyway, I am going to tell everyone about it - I think perhaps I need to be accountable - but not my family. My friends and acquaintances. The online dating is such a weird experience. The men come on strong without meeting me - I know I am fussy so I just have to relax a bit and not let my weight be such an issue. Anyway, so I am just going to relax this week and focus on next Friday5 June 2009 as my start date. I really think the one on one is going to be great. I always have believed that if the leader weighed you the WW meetings would record more losses. Anyway, meeting "glenelg guy" today at 1pm for a coffee - I do think he is a tad short but we will see....He somehow thinks we are going to be great mates - me - I am not sure about it. How can I when I dont know him. Plus I am a spark type of girl. If the spark is there, then I will be happy. I can't quite get over the number of people that have meet their husbands/partners from online dating.....I suppose in 2009 that is the way we do it. Does my head in though. Wish me luck.


Tina said...

Sounds like this will suit you perfectly. I think you would get a lot more out of a one on one meeting. Look forward to hearing how you go Martine.

How was Mr Glenelg? Good on you for giving the online dating a go.

Julie said...

Best of luck!!

It's scary to see how we are going thru the same thing.