I must confess, the healthy eating is out the window ! Luckily, Friday is my first meeting at Myer's Lifestyle Centre and honestly looking forward to it. I think with WW meetings I feel inferior to what everyone else is doing, this way I am only competing against myself. Plus, I am ready. When I eat badly, my emotions are all over the place. For the next few months I want to just concentrate on me. Friday cant come soon enough.
On the weeekend I am meeting some WW girls, all of which are great women and inspire me in different ways. Sam is over from Melbourne and I am excited to meet her. I would have started my Myer Lifestyle program so will be able to report in.
Now, online dating. I simply cannot work out men. When your not interested they are and the ones you think are okay don't want to have bar of you. It has done my head in, but I know I have to persevere with this. I suppose as well if I am feeling better physically about myself my confidence will also increase. I find online dating hard, most just want to email for ages and then hum and ha about meeting. Anyway, I know I am not alone in this neck of the woods.
Anyway, must get back and do some work

1 comment:
I hate when I feel like a big bad eating machine.
Online dating sure has it's ups and downs.
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