About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weigh in results

Well, I should be cleaning the house, I thought I would have a break and a peppermint tea and do a quick blog. Friday saw me go to my WW weigh in, lost 900 grams which in itself is a good result, to be honest I was slightly dissapointed in that I busted my ass with exercise and food but as I have been told before - my damn body must be in shock from the exercise I am doing. Giving the gym a miss this weekend purely as I have so much to do at home, I want to get a bit more organised so that when I do go to the gym I can come back home and just spend an hour doing stuff so that the weekends provide me with more time and perhaps a twice daily gym visit, as they are so enjoyable. I know everyone will say it is a good loss, but my fellow dieters from a facebook group I am in, have lost extraordinary amounts this last fortnight but it is a reminder that I must run my own race.
Friday night caught up with my friend Michael - again chickened out about the "committment" talk, must do it soon - it is great to have such a close person with benefits but after all I need committment and if I want to open the open up the universe and find my soul mate, then I have to break free of him, when you are by yourself and there is someone around to cuddle you etc - it is hard to say good bye, but this is about what I want for my future.
Mum and Dad arrive next week for a quick visit and we have a 70th to go to, that should be great as some of my Dad's relatives will be there and we only see them at weddings and funerals and they are good value, the weekend after my 14 year old niece Savannah is coming down from Broken Hill for a few days, I am dead set excited to spend some auntie/niece time. So no doubt shopping, coffees and an outing to my favorite Indian Restaurant - Taj Tandoor in Rundle Street, Adelaide is the go.
Yesterday went and saw It's Complicated at the movies, a great movie and had a quiet night. So today I am doing the housework - as much fun as watching paint dry. This week I intend to keep doing what I have been doing last week. My increasesd cardio program is doing well and will speak to dear Jess at the gym about increasing my weights. This week I might do a few more days with the new program and think about increasing the levels of the machines but keep the time that I am doing it the same. At present it is 45 minutes cardio and I work at it. It will be interesting to see the increases in the levels and my fitness by say June this year.
Tonight am going to cook some corn cakes from one of my many WW recipe books and make up a salad for work tomorrow. The support I get from the online community is really fabulous and I really get a buzz from communicating with people the world over. My little facebook group I am a member of is so supporting, at times it rocks my world. The battle to lose weight is one that is shared by many people, I have people in various stages of their weight loss journey - some people like Kazz just rock my world. This girl started the gym at 175 kg and is now down to 120's etc and had made the gym and good eating a part of her life - she inspires me because I know the road isnt always easy, there are people who have been on the journey for a while, from them I learn that not giving up is a powerful tool.
Visulisation ? Has anyone done this. At the gym sometimes I think got look at me, we don't have a lot of mirrors at the gym but a couple of pillars are mirrors and when I see myself I nearly die but when I look at some girls that are slimmer and obviously work at their figures or the bigger people at the gym (which there are many) it reminds me that the slimmer girls work at it, the bigger people are working at it as well. I am trying to visualise myself at 71kgs (which would have me around a size 14), would I be more confident? Would I project confidence? Would men be more interested, now before everyone comments I know that men don't necessary see a slim woman as attractive. I suppose I am the master of my own destiny and I need to remember that.
Well better get back to that housework, it isn't going to do it by itself. Martine xxx


kazz said...

Your right Martine...you have to run your own race. I hate the mirrors at the gym too...even when my trainer says look up i wont haha...

Your doign so well - keep it up - and in response to your comments on my journal you can pick my brain about exercise any time !

kazz =]

LellyJ said...

900 gm is a great loss! Be proud--well done!

Anonymous said...

hey martine,

your blog is amazing, i've never been so captivated in all my life! (not kidding either, i'm notorious for skimming over paragraphs!)

you are doing so great, and don't ever feel let down for losing 900g! my 2.2kg loss only came after gaining 1.6kg total in the previous two weeks.

oh, and i'm 9.2kg away from goal, a size 16, and i still hate my body, and i'll probably only be a 14 when i'm at goal anyways! lol.

it's a universal thing. i had a friend in high school, same height as me, i was size 16, she was size 6, we wanted to swap bodies!

all the best for another week. thanks for visiting my blog :)


Tina said...

Yes it is frustrating when others are losing faster than you, but you lost a fantastic number this week (same as me) and you should be really proud.

Look at how your lifestyle has changed since you joined the gym.

Hope you get things sorted out with your *friend*

See you soon mate.