Golly gee, I left home early this morning and have been running around like a headless chook. So far I have had my nails done and hair done, picked up a layby, brought a cushion thing for Vince the wonderdog, brought some herbs. The housework hasn't been done. Photo above of me, trying to take a photo of myself above
FAMILY are doing okay, my brother is looking after nephew 'N" full time, it is a hard job and all he does is work and look after his son, we are very proud of him and what he is doing.
WORK is going well, I am going to be helping out another law firm and doing some work for them as well as my own, this in itself is a good thing as there are times when I am a bit bored and it is good for the days to go quickly. I have been att this job for 3 years and now starting my 4th year, we specialise mainly in family law and workers compensation, so sometimes it is emotionally draining.
ONLINE SUPPORT - I have found over the last few years, the support and friendship I have received from the online community is just lovely. My friend 'G' fails to understand the whole concept and the concept of blogs - she says she is private - I don't understand this. I have found some of my closest friends are from the online community and when I meet them in person it is just like meeting an old friend. There are some bloggers that I must get to their blog every day otherwise I get all huffy.
VINCE THE WONDERDOG is still the absolute love of my life, he gives me so much love, currently he is a sleep and snoring on the lounge on his new cushion. The expression on the face is "Mum can you just leave me alone" - he is not impressed. Sometimes I am just so glad he cannot speak.
Well, it is 5.21pm and I must get up from this computer and get some jobs done and work out what in the hell I am going to eat for dinner. I am in a good spot, I am hoping that the exercise component of this weight loss journey starts to feel like something I want to do, instead of having to do. Anyway, if you are reading this and am not a follower, please follow me or send me a line. Take care everyone and email you tomorrow.
Martine xxx
Hi Martine,
So good to see you back - I had been thinking of you! Looking forward to keeping up with your progress.
Thinking of you, Penny xo
Came here via you lovely comments on Chris H's blog. Obviously a dog lover & now I get to see Vince
Look forward to reading your blog in the future
Mary H
I'm so glad you are loving Ww's and how things are going.
I love it when readers of my blog go check out others who leave me comments!
Spreads the love around eh?
I love our blog community and like you, all the friendships we make along the way.
love and hugs.
slobber from Teddy!
Good to see you blogging again Martine :-)
You are a very cute headless chook Chick!
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