Well Monday was my RDO, so planned to do wonderful things at home. I planted some herbs - Basil, Parsley and Coriander. Met Michael for a coffee and chat, did a bit of window shopping, went to the library and then down to Cibo to have a coffee and thought I should do that ironing but will sit down and put some thoughts down on my blog.
I didnt go to WW last week as I had a migrane, these only rarely come prior to my period arriving but as I am going through menopause, my periods are a bit of a nightmare and the headaches are either none existent the day before it arrives, or terrible. This month the headache was terrible and then I spent the night in bed and missed WW. So this week hasn't been good, and as I thought at 1.1 kilogram gain, which was expected and a lesson learnt about what happens when you don't track.
Sunday night had dinner at a Thai Restaurant down at Glenelg last night with my friend "G" and sat and nattered all night, so that was nice. Sunday was frantic and went and saw my friend "D" and her new babies James and sat and cuddled that little babe for a few hours. I was quite good and composed and realise that it wasn't going to happen to me, so there was no tears this times - some babies reduce me to tears and although at times I had a lump in my throat, I realised that there are other better things waiting for me - god knows what they are.
The plan this week is to exercise and keep on tracking my food. I have been quite vigilent with the tracking and so this week's gain and the lack of tracking is a lesson on why you need to keep the focus. I had a rather nasty headache last night which went down my neck and shoulders, I have it again today so I am not impressed, if it still continues tomorrow I am going to have to get it checked out at the doctors.
I am needing to get things done at home, but there never seems to be enough time. As I have chronic insomnia the mornings to do exercise is not great but I think I need to work on this as by the time I get off the tram after work, get changed and get to the gym (3 days per week) and come home and have dinner it is too late
Vince the wonderdog is a sleep on the bed, little does he know that in a minute he is going to be woken up and cuddled. Tuesdays (my ww night) is a long day for a little guy to be home. I plan to take him walking with me on the alternate gym nights. I have set a new weight loss challenge of 6 losses in a row, and will reward myself with something.
Anyway, it is late and I should be organising my lunch and food for tomorrow, but will do that in the morning I think. Hopefully tonight I get to sleep a bit better, my sleeping is dismal at the best of time.
I hope that if you read this blog that you put a comment down, especially if you have a blog of your own. I find such great support from the online community, I have made such lovely friends because of it. Trying to explain to some people about how wonderful it is can be quite annoying - they can't understand it all - their loss I say. Anyway, tomorrow is Day 1 of a new WW weeks and always enjoyable. Plan to focus on getting through the day, if I track I remain honest, it is not the tracking that does me in. Anyway, good night and sweet dreams. Love Martine xxx
Hi Martine,
I am so happy you are back in blog land. So sorry to hear about the awful headaches - I hope it has gone and you didn't need to go to the doctor. I know what you mean about exercise - the evenings just don't happen for me, and the mornings I like my bed too much.
I had a very motivating visit to Dunedin a couple of weeks ago and saw my nephews and god daughter.
I hope you feel better soon. Have you sought professional advice about your insomnia? I'm sure you have done all you can but it would be nice to think there was a possible source of help.
Love Penny xo
I hope that nasty headache is gone!
Vince is lucky you are taking him walking... our Teddy desperately needs to go walking more as he has put on SO MUCH WEIGHT over the winter! He is huge. Luckily Coco is finally gaining some weight now after having the pups.
good luck with this week's tracking, it really is the key to keeping honest with what goes in our gobs!
Martine, when I met Stew I had Amanda, Lacy, Kelly and Russell. Then we had Steve and Mike. Then we also got Brylee and Griffin. 4+2+2= 8! And that is ENOUGH!
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