About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have decided

Well, since Monday I have been doing on-line dating on Oasis. That is another blog entry in itself. I have decided my weight holds me back so much. My online photo is fabulous but does only show my head. I am going to do WW Lifestyle at Myers and hopefully get Shazwomble. It is a little more expensive but right for me. I need to start feeling good about myself - I cant be pr0-active if I am feeling so self conscious. That is my for the moment. Martine


Tina said...

Sounds like a great plan Martine. If I was closer to the city, I reckon I would consider doing it myself.

Have a great weekend in Broken Hill and come back raring to go again.

We can do this!!

Vic said...

I meet my Phil through online dating we have been together for nearly three years, I too also had a lovely face photo.. In the end it just didnt matter.

Good luck with your one to one meetings I wish I could do that would make me a bit more accountable if I new someone was going to ask me about my week.

Good luck Martine!!!!

Joanne said...

I met my Phil online too and in those days, there weren't many pics floating around so he had no idea what I looked like. When you find the right one, he will love you for everything you are.
The shell you walk around in doesn't define you.
Good luck!

* said...

Hi Martine

I also met my husband Alex online and we have been together for 4 years. Neither of us are fashion models but that didnt stop us from falling in love. What matters is the person you are on the inside.

I wish you all the best in your online dating and your weight loss and I promise Im getting round to sending you that email :)

Nicky xxx

Julie said...

I felt like I was reading something I wrote myself.

Best of luck!

We will have to keep each other posted ;)