About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weigh in Day tomorrow

Well this has been a strange week. I weighed in on Friday and was annoyed to find I had gained 200 grams, which for me may as well been 2 kilograms as my weight loss is quite slow - but slow and steady wins the race. I know that I put my foot off the pedal slightly for a few days in that I didn't weigh my food or track but did for 3 of the 7 days which I have rewarded myself for those 3 days as previously I would have said I have blown that week and continued to do the wrong thing. What is funny, is that for me a bad week is not tracking or weighing food when previously it was compulsive binge eating. That is a step in the right direction I think. TOM has arrived today so I anticipate another week where there is a possibility I gain - I thought I had dealt quite well with last week's gain in that I didnt stew on it, but saying that I have been compulsively obsessively weighing myself on those damn scales. THEY ARE GOING TO BE PUT IN THE SHED as normally they are a helpful tool, in that they encourage me to do well or if the weight is up, and normally that is just body fluctuation then it makes me try harder but this week has been different- last night I weighed myself 3 times in a hour. This is not good. Anyway, TOM has arrived and I am hoping that I at least secure a 200gram loss and really most women do find their body fluctuates dramatically with TOM so I know it will catch up next week. Overall I have been good, the water has been excellent and although I am living in the toilet - much to the annoyance of my boss, the 2 litres a day are being drunk before I leave for the day. Food is going well and I have a dinner tonight with a friend of mine who goes out with a guy from the USA - actually the tour manager for the rock band Kiss - so we are going for Thai - I have told her (she is a size 6) and has the opposite lot of issues that I do - that I am on a diet and am watching my weight so will have for entree cold rolls and a seafood stir fry with a tiny scoop of rice. My walking partner Gill is back into the walking with me next week and I have been a bit slack with the exercise, so I am pleased to be counting the days down until my gym opens. I have started a plan of the classes I want to try - initially a Yoga class and a body step class, once I get a bit more experienced and fitness increased will try body pump plus want to do a hr of cardio 3 times a week, a class once a week and yoga on Sunday with one day off and perhaps allocate that day around my social schedule. Actually, I am quite excited about planning what I am going to do at the gym, previously when I have attended a gym I actually loved it - the only reason I stopped was because of a male !!! But this new gym is going to be a lot better, my friend Joanne will come along as well but she has different things she wants to do - but we both need to use the weights which I believe is good for increasing the metabolism and toning etc. The week ahead my challenge now that the water aspect is under control is my exericse - the plan is on Monday to Thursday walk with Gill for an hour and 15 minutes each night, get off the tram earlier and walk into work (am trying for 30 minutes) and a 30 minute walk at lunch time. I want to get 2kg loss next week- I know this is a high amount for me but I can do it - I might even fast track my food for the week. Anyway girls, enough of me - I can feel the weight coming off and know my stomach area which is my worst spot is changing shape. I am inspired by my beautiful friend Tania who has been my WW/Diet buddy/weight confidant for a long period, she is doing so well and something has clicked in her head, I do think I have done this too but I am not at the point with the exercise - in that I need to exercise alone at times - when I have to do a walk solo I actually avoid it - but this is changing and that is why I am investing in an IPOD. Anyway, I will post tomorrow - send me positive vibes. I think the food aspect is spot on, the water spot on, the tracking spot on and now the cruical part of this journey - EXERCISE. I am telling myself that EXERCISE EQUALS ENERGY and for me that doesn't sleep this is the key. Take care everyone. Martine xx


Kathiej said...

Oh good luck for tomorrow....don't let the scales dictate your day :-)
It is not about who gets there first, it is about just getting there


Chris H said...

Good luck with weigh in.. and going to the gym. I have finally started going again and when I'm there I love it...it's just GETTING THERE that is a problem sometimes!

Tina said...

Fingers crossed for a good weigh in Martine. I agree with Kathie though. The scales aren't the only measure.

Anonymous said...

hey Martine

being check your blog for an update?

How did WI go?