About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No Weigh Pass used

I don't know how I feel really - I feel good and bad. Can I be both happy and sad ? Attended my Weigh in at WW Lifestyle Centre with my leader Don and used my No Weigh Pass I am pleased that I did this, I didnt want the scales to say a gain and my mind recording this as an unsuccessful week when avoiding emotional eating and turning down cream cakes was a successful one. Whatever peoples views are, it was and is right for me. This week has been a bit weird,I suppose I have been 75% good but saying that when I went to get some milk yesterday I was starving and brought 2 chocolate bars. Not 1 but 2!!!! I kept the wrappers in my bag and tracked them - all 10 points of them. How disgusting. Another lesson for me, and an oldie but a goodie, don't grocery shop when you are starving. Money for the next month is horrendous, my wage hasn't been reviewed in years and so after payment of everything there is little or no money left for food or me - but I have written down a food menu planner for the fortnight - I usually do 1 menu planner and use it for two weeks as I do try to do my grocery shopping fortnightly, with the exception of getting some vegies etc. So there is a lot of eggs, chick peas etc and I am surprised how easily I can do it with the incorporation of legumes. One of the solicitors in my office and I were chatting about money and I was whinging how hard for him to go into work to do stuff when his wife was working, he has offered some regular babysitting jobs on the weekend as his wife is a doctor and it is hard, so for $20 an hour I am happy to babysit or as I call it Nanny work for a few hours, I am going to get him to deposit the money into my christmas club and I won't touch it. I know I would rather be at home relaxing but money is money. I know a lot of people are struggling as well and I have stuff to do at home and next year will need to replace my car - this all cannot be done on the wage I receive. So I am not going out socially for the next 4 w eeks but I can do it - I am by nature very social but there are times when a girl just needs to spend the time at home. My WI on Friday with TTOM due I am not sure how I will go, there is always a possibility of a gain during this period. Anyway, must dash but will post again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

It's a real bugger when money is so tight.. we lived hand-to-mouth for darn years with 6 kids to raise! I feel for you mate.