About Me

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Adelaide , South Australia, Australia
I am 49 and heading for 50. This is about me, the highs and lows and a lot of stuff re weight loss, so follow me and see wha I am up to !!

The wonderful people that follow and support me !

Monday, December 14, 2009

I always like a Monday

Somehow Monday is always a good day, it horrible getting out of bed but food wise it is just easier. The weekend wasn't the best food wise but plan to ensure the rest of the week is superb. Have the gym gear packed in the car for the gym tonight - so 30 minutes of intense cardio and my weight program should have me around 75 - 85 minutes of exercise tonight, I fully intend to ensure that I build up my exercise gradually instead of a bull at a gate and enjoy the process of seeing my exercise and fitness build up.
Tonight is an easy dinner of eggs made into an omelette. The house is a mess so plan to eat dinner and starting sorting some stuff out, the weekend I was pretty tired and so need to ensure I get everything ship shape before heading to Broken Hill for Christmas.
Now on the subject of Christmas, my personal plan is to enjoy the actual day 25th but not use Christmas as an excuse to go off the plan, if I can maintain my weight over Christmas then I will be happy. Why is it that you never feel like going to the gym until you actually get onto a machine, the feeling when you finish is such a good feeling, thankfully tonight when I go at around 6pm, the news and current affairs shows are on and they keep me amused. Had a crossiant for breakfast today, got I love those things at 4.5 points for one it is a bit steep but worth every damn point, I feel like when I eat these that I am having a real big treat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Martine

They say take this slowly, so the new habit will take.

Glad to see you are back on track


Tania said...

Good plan regarding Christmas, i'm doing pretty much the same thing but Christmas day for me is mainly healthy foods anyway but i will indulge in a little bit of pudding and custard! Enjoy your workout at the gym tonight - it's a great feeling isn't it?

Chris H said...

I love crossiant's too. Yum yum.